Flemish school: Portrait of a gentleman, oil on panel, 17th C.


Work: 26 x 21,6 cm

Frame: 41,3 x 36,6 cm


The elaboration of the portrait of a standing man is very close to Adriaen Brouwer's (1605/1606-1638) way of working. 

The reverse with a panel mark (see: Van Damme, Jan. “The Antwerp panel-makers and their marks.” In Jordaens Van Dyck Panel Paintings Project. Updated by Ingrid Moortgat and Piet Bakker, edited by Joost Vander Auwera, with an introduction, and Justin Davies. Translated by Michael Lomax, link): the mark of Guilliam Gabron, active as a panel maker in Antwerp (1609-1662). This mark dates  the panel between 1626 and 1658 (thanks to prof. em. dr. Jørgen Wadum for the information; see also Wadum, Jørgen. “The Antwerp Brand on Paintings on Panel”. In Looking Through Paintings, eds. Erma Hermens et al., vol 11, pp. 179–98. London, Archetype Publications Ltd., 1998.).