Een Chinese Imari-stijl schotel met floraal decor en twee famille rose schotels en een kop, 18de/19de eeuw


Dia.: 36,4 cm (the Kangxi Imari style charger)

Dia.: 14,5 cm (the two famille rose saucers)

H 6,3 cm (the cup)

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Imari charger with a restored area on the rim of ca. 5 x 6 cm. The rim with a number of chips of various sizes.
- The single Canton famille rose saucer with a 2 cm hairline from the rim.
- The cup with four vertical hairlines from the rim and a hairline in the upper section of the handle. The saucer with a 3 cm hairline from the rim.



Hamerprijs incl. commissie: € 408